Time Spiral Remastered - Let's Do The Time Warp Again

Time Spiral Remastered - Let's Do The Time Warp Again

Time Spiral Remastered

There’s excitement afoot in the Magic community around the imminent release of Time Spiral Remastered. It might seem a little strange that a set consisting entirely of reprints should be creating such a buzz, but it certainly is, and we think that's for good reason. 

The original Time Spiral block - released all the way back in the heady days of 2006 - went on to become an all-time classic, producing some of the most iconic cards in Magic. Many have gone on to become staples in both Modern and Commander, and the reprints this revamped release brings will be extremely welcome for players looking to pick up cards which right now remain expensive to get hold of. 

In a lot of ways, this set is a great example of Wizards listening to the community and providing a product that will be healthy for the Magic economy while also being a lot of fun to pick up and play.

So is it high time you picked up Time Spiral Remastered? Let's take a look at what the set has to offer. 

Set Booster


Time Spiral Block Reprints

Time Spiral Remastered is at its heart a showcase of classic reprints from the original Time Spiral block, about which many long-time players have happy memories for its power, creative design and playability. Between them, Time Spiral, Planar Chaos and Future Sight delivered a great limited environment while contributing strong and flavorful cards for constructed too. 

The power level of these sets was high, and many all-star cards from the original Time Spiral make welcome reappearances here – Tarmagoyf, Sliver Legion and Damnation all get reprints in Time Spiral Remastered to name just a few of the strongest. 

This set offers a great opportunity for players on a budget to pick up iconic cards from these sets at what will inevitably be greatly reduced prices given all the new supply these new printings will introduce. 

Wizards have focused their reprints intelligently here, finessing three sets originally containing over 600 cards down to just 289 to maximise card quality alongside the overall experience of playing the set. 

Time-Shifted Cards

Time Spiral Remastered won’t stop at reprinting classic cards from the original Time Spiral. Just as in the original Time Spiral, Remastered will guarantee one “Time-Shifted” card in each booster, reprints of classic cards from Magic history with iconic black-bordered frames. This prospect has players and collectors really excited, and offers the chance to pick up a powerful and collectible cards from across Magic's history in every pack.

There are some real powerhouses here – Primeval Titan, Chalice of the Void and the Commander staple Vandalblast all make an appearance, as do many other staples of legacy formats. With the added sweetener that they all use the classic art and black-bordered frames that players enjoy so much for pure nostalgia value, we’re sure time-shifted cards will be sought after additions to any collection. 

There are 121 Time-Shifted cards in total, so there are plenty to find from across many years of Magic history. Some, like Dismember, haven't had printings for five or six years, or in some cases even longer, and that makes this set a golden opportunity to pick up key reprints. 


Aside from representing a very healthy injection of popular cards the magic marketplace, Time Spiral Remastered is also very much designed with classic Magic gameplay in mind. Fans of the original sets will be glad that Wizards have stayed true to their spirit by working to design a well-balanced set to draft with friends. 

If you’re into drafting, this makes the set much more than a vehicle for sought-after reprints and classic black-bordered cards. One of the things that made the original Time Spiral block great was its excellent limited gameplay, and Time Spiral Remastered promises an even more finely-tuned draft experience. 

With the entire original block carefully boiled down to create a fun draft environment, and the added excitement of a powerful Time-Shifted card in every pack, the draft experience promises to be first rate. 

Picking up Time Spiral Remastered

The set releases on the 19th of March, but you don't need to wait until then to order all the singles you're looking for from the set. You can pre-order singles of any of the cards in Time Spiral Remastered right now directly from Card Crate - just search for the cards you're looking for here. We guarantee to supply copies of every card in the set. 

For a full list of all the cards in the set, check out the visual spoilers from Wizards of the Coast here

Jonathan Widnall

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  • Jon Widnall
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