Top 10 Strixhaven Cards for Commander
Honorable Mention - Solve the Equation
Despite its higher mana cost, tutors outside of black are always in high demand in Commander, and Solve the Equation will see EDH play for sure.
10. Body of Research
9. Harness Infinity
8. Oriq Loremage
Did someone order a repeatable Entomb on a stick? Well you got it.
Oriq Loremage is a godsend for every reanimator deck in EDH, allowing you to repeatedly tutor your best reanimation targets into your graveyard turn after turn if your opponents don’t answer it. It gets a minor bonus if the target is an instant or sorcery, but this card’s real utility is in loading your graveyard with the best reanimation targets in EDH in a much more reliable way than the usual self-mill strategies. You can always find exactly what’s demanded in any situation, from Massacre Wurm to counter go-wide strategies to Griselbrand for massive card-draw.
Needless to say, this card works exceptionally well with Harness Infinity, at which point your opponents will suddenly realise that all those cards you tutored into your graveyard have simultaneously found their way into your hand!
7. Conspiracy Theorist
6. Devastating Mastery
In two-player formats, casting this for its discounted cost will very often render it near-useless, allowing your opponent to save their two most relevant permenants while you lose everything you have in play. However, in Commander, that downside is much, much less crippling simply because you can choose the least threatening opponent who isn’t the player running away with the game who will be the main target of your 4 mana Planar Cleansing. If you’re very lucky, you may even be able to choose an opponent with one or no permanents in play or with tokens they get no benefit from bouncing to reduce the downside to almost nothing. The politics of the card are great fun too – you’ll have players queining up to offer you favours to let them save their two best permanents. And best of all, once you’ve reached 6 mana (assuming you can generate 4 white) this still functions as an unconditional all-permanents wrath. A great option for white decks looking for board-wipe options that are good both early and late.
5. Resculpt
4. Tempted by the Oriq
3. Wandering Archaic/Explore the Vastlands
As a colorless card with a powerful effect – even if its reverse side Explore the Vastlands is borderline useless – this card is bound to see EDH play. It will probably only be seen as a design mistake if it becomes completely ubiquitous, but expect to see it making the 99 in plenty of decks.
2. Galazeth Prismari
Elder Dragons are back! EDH is Elder Dragon Highlander after all, and nothing should get a Commander player’s blood pumping like a new cycle of Elder Dragons. Sadly the bulk of the Elder Dragons printed in Strixhaven don’t look incredibly strong, but Galazeth could be the exception in the right deck.
As your Commander, or even in your 99, Galazeth offers enormous mana fixing and ramp in Izzet arifact decks, which traditionally struggle to ramp reliably. Any artifacts will do, be they creatures, utility artifacts, equipment or simple treasures like the one Galazeth creates when he ETBs (which incidentally effectively discounts his casting cost straight away).
There are downsides here for sure – the mana generated must be used to cast instant and sorcery spells, but any Izzet deck worth its salt will hardly be short of those. With the right artifact or package, Galazeth offers a way to ramp quickly into some powerful X spells or card draw spells, and if run as a Commander will be very difficult to shut down short of mass artifact-busting effects like a kicked Vandalblast.
1. Double Major
Jonathan Widnall
- Jon Widnall