X Gon' Give It To Ya
When X spells are good, they are really really good. This is a whole class of card that lets you pour every ounce of spare mana you have into an incrementally more and more powerful effect. That makes them fantastic mana sinks, provided you have a lot of mana to spend. And that's the catch of course - because of their very high power ceiling, X spells are almost always costed to make them inferior to comparable spells when cast for small amounts of mana. That makes them suffer badly in fast formats, particularly the very fastest like Modern.
Fortunately for us Commander players, X spells are at their absolute best in our slower, more ramp based format. With time to build your mana base (or preferably a juicy infinite mana combo) X spells are guaranteed to deliver death and destruction. Let's find our which are the absolute best X spells for Commander.
Honorable Mention - Mass Manipulation
With the above said, once you start to be able to pay 8 or 10 mana for this and start stealing the two or three best creatures in play, it really shines. At 10 mana, this steals all of your opponents' Commanders permanently at a stroke. That will outright cripple many decks (and possibly some friendships along with it!)
10. Martial Coup
9. Crackle with Power
The reason Crackle with Power makes it onto our list is because its design makes it one of the best scaling X spells in existence. As soon as you can make X two, three or even 4, this starts to become much more efficient than the competition. That's because of the damage multiplier built into it, a mighty 5 times the value of X with an extra target to boot each time. That means that, cast for an X of 8, it threatens to kill all of your opponents instantly even if they're still at their starting 40 life.
The power of this card depends completely on how effectively you can fuel it. There are more flexible options if you need something that holds its own in the early game, but it's hard to beat this as a pure damage finisher.
8. Finale of Glory
7. Green Sun's Zenith
6. Sphinx's Revelation
5. Exsanguinate
A real classic in Commander, Exsanguinate benefits from that crucial "each opponent" phrasing. It's obviously a powerful finisher that can win games out of nowhere, but even if it's not outright winning you the game, the life total swings this card can generate are huge.
4. Comet Storm
Comet Storm's hallmark is flexibility. It is just as comfortable dealing 12 damage to a player's face as it is killing 4 1/1 elf tokens. That's thanks to its dirt-cheap multicker ability, which you can choose to mix with any amount of X in any ratio exactly as the situation calls for.
That flexibility is a big part of what pushes Comet Storm above other pure damage options on our list, but it's also important to note that this can be cast at instant speed. The ability to wait for the perfect moment makes it far more likely to resolve in the face of counter-magic or to hit creatures when they can't be protected.
3. Torment of Hailfire
2. Walking Ballista
1. Villainous Wealth
If you want to go for maximum villainy, with access to infinite mana this can be used to exile an opponent's entire library, giving you literally every spell they have in the process. Sadly you won't get to keep any permanents you find once they die next turn to decking, but you'll still get every ETB trigger, every spell effect and every last scrap of their dignity.
Jonathan Widnall
- Jon Widnall